Friday, December 26, 2008

The family. Merry Christmas! This is an annual ritual at the Brummel family get together.

Lynn with a blanket set for the little one due in May.

Three examples of hand knit socks made by Lynn for Pam and her folks.

The theme this year for Mom Brummel's gifts was VESTS!

Our girls at home with their loot: Heritage sweatshirts, games, webkinz girly lotion stuff and barn boots.

Before and after pictures of the big snow we had on Sunday December 21.

Christmas party at Mom and Dad Kuiper's. We took the kids to Charlie's Dump for sledding before opening gifts.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A few winter scenes from previous winters. This is what it really looks like around here right now.

Backyard Panorama

Can't forget about the cows! Right now we don't have any at our place, but we'll get a couple more in the spring.

Here are some of the other animals we have around here. Taylor is especially fond of the cats

A view from our back door, with a rainbow right down into the corn field.
Lindsey with her goat Captain Chino (cappuccino). Lindsey showed in the novice class.

Mackenzie with one of her goats at the Hudsonville Fair last August.

Wow, Dwight, Lois and now CHRIS. This must be EASY!!!

There's not a lot happening that's photo-worthy right now, but I'll just post some random photos from the computer. No motorcycles here, but you may see a tractor or two, and definitely some animals!